A Biblical, Traditional, Christ Centered Congregation in Ottumwa, Iowa

Trinity Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Bible Study Podcast
Read the Bible in a Year PlanYou can also listen to sermons on Podbean and Spotify!
Bible Study PodcastListen to Pastor Preus' sermon on the Radio every Sunday on Ottumwa Radio,
at 1:00 PM on KBIZ 1240 AM Christ for UsService Times and Bible StudiesYear Round
Saturday Evening Divine Service: 6:00 PM Sunday Morning Divine Service: 9:00 AM Bible Study: 10:30 AM September through May Sunday School: 10:30 AM Wednesday School: 6:00 PM Wednesday Vespers Service: 7:15 PM We serve the Lord's Supper every Saturday evening and Sunday morning and on special feast days. During the school year we invite everyone to join our Wednesday School in worshiping Jesus in the beautiful Vespers Service at 7:15PM every Wednesday that Ottumwa public schools are in session.
Justification and Rome AudiobookPart 1
Part 2
Wednesday School Learn by Heart Schedule 2024-25 (PDF)First Day of Wednesday School: September 4 from 6:00-7:45 PM
First Day of Sunday School: September 8 at 10:30 AM Catechism Students can listen to their "Learn by Heart" work to Music!
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 295 Shaul Ave Ottumwa, IA 52501
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Iowa District East The Lutheran Confessions
More Resources
Weekly Devotions from Around The World: Theology for the Curious Christian
Devotions you can download and print for free!
Devotions you can download and print for free!